My Night and Morning with Superheros

AND I AM BACK…back in the saddle, securely back on the sugar-free, junk free wagon, and slept really well last night (I’ve been getting to bed before 10 each night and waking around 5:00-5:30 a.m.).  Holy moly batman! What are these lines on my face this morning? It looks like I actually made it a complete night with my CPaP mask on. My life looks SO much different than it did the month of December and completely unrecognizable as compared to pre-July 2014. Surely, I will be documenting some major life, body, & health changes throughout this 2015.

In addition to my night in the mask, I spent this morning with the Ninja. When I start the morning with a green drink, I always seem to do so much better throughout the day. Yeah, I’ve been doing good through the day anyway, but portion sizes still need to reduce and veggie counts need to rise above fruit counts. This is one great way of jump starting that process each day. My breakfast drink consists of 2 fist full of spinach, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of unsweetened coconut milk, a little less than 1/2 a sweet potato, 2 dates, and some chopped pecans (that would generally be almonds but I’m out–gotta make a store stop today). Sweet potato makes it so smooth. I really like that.

So this talk of masks and Ninjas makes me feel like I have spent the night and day with superheros. I feel like I have. I feel really good this morning. Here’s to breathing while you sleep, sleeping through the night, and starting the day off nutritionally right!!

Find your inner superhero! Share with me your leaps and bounds accomplishments. I would love to hear from you.

Life After Whole30–Now What?

If you have followed my blog recently, you know that I just completed a Whole30 challenge. I call it a challenge because I don’t know what else to call it, and it was a little bit of a challenge at times. So, now I am finished with Whole30, I’m feeling like, “Now what?”

For the most part, I have continued my Whole30 trek. It felt like my security blanket. I felt really healthy with my eating plan, but I haven’t had a problem when I eat legumes and grains in moderation. The jury is still out on the dairy food group, mostly because a lot of my bad eating behaviors came from this group. For this reason, it will only be allowed back in my life on occasion and with complete, mindful attention.

New bikeI’ll tell you how being finished with the Whole30 makes me feel–like being on my new bike. I know it is said, “It’s like riding a bike,” and that’s supposed to refer to how you can go a long time without riding a bike and just jump back on and start riding again, but I feel like I’m a kid who has never ridden a bike before.

When I got on my bike on August 19, I literally fell over with it before leaving the driveway. Now, there were some issues that contributed such as the seat was too high and the handle bars weren’t just right, but it felt totally foreign to me. As if I had never ridden before.

Well, that’s how eating feels to me now without the protection of the strict three food group, Whole30. Maybe that is a good thing. Maybe I am supposed to stay as close to it as possible. I think the biggest worry is that adding back the legumes and grains will take away my weight loss.  I have started working out at Curves, and now I have this bike. My goal is to be getting 1 hour of exercise a day to help me continue my weight loss. I’m not quite there yet, but I will get there. I am hoping that this fear does continue to help drive my fitness and that one day there will be no fear–just good food and great fitness.

Another goal is to be able to confidently eat without the fear of weight gain. I want to begin working into the 7-day Carb Cycling of Chris Powell, and he includes things from all food groups in the menus. I feel pretty confident with his experience working with morbidly obese people that he knows what he’s talking about with the menus. I would really LOVE to find someone’s blog that has already done this. I doubt that there has been someone else who has done a Whole30/7-day Carb Cycling/Green Thickie fusion. I’m kind of making my own way as I go. Combining the best parts of these programs to individualize one that is made specifically for me.

As I make my way through this journey, I’ll be sharing here what I learn for you to be able to make your own plan. Thank you for following my journey. If you have created your own fusion of health/fitness, I’d love for you to share it here. Just leave it in the comments.