Getting Started Is the Hardest Part

Yes, getting started is the hardest part of any battle. Fortunately, I did not have to start this battle alone. My journey of one has now turned into a journey of four. We are the Fantastic Four! I am leading the group, leading helps me dig in and be totally focused because I know they are counting on me (find what works for you), and we have been using this week to get used to documenting our intake of food, drinking more water, getting our mind sharp and ready for battle, and identifying our food triggers.

We have set our schedule, and our weigh in day will be Monday mornings. We will be measuring two ways, 1-by scale (using the same scale, the same time of the day each time we weigh), and a snug fitting outfit. We will be documenting how that outfit FEELS on our body as we go. This is for those times when the scale may not show a decrease, but it’s obvious that there was a decrease. Some may use a measuring tape, but I just wanted to keep it simple. Not too much to have to keep up with.

The results so far this week have been good. I’ve seen several photos of meals taken at lunch or supper that were really great decisions. The goal of our plan is to try to make better decisions one at a time. We don’t want to over think anything. Just what is best for us and our body. We scheduled a cheat treat on Saturday this week and planned to eat light, no carbonated drinks and light salt on Sunday in preparation for weigh in.

We are hoping to have some good results. Because we all have at least 100 lbs to lose (each), I explained that no weight loss will not be seen as a negative. We will celebrate the loss of visceral fat from the inside and know that the scale will catch up eventually.

We are also tackling some nasty negative self-talk and emotional hangups. This will definitely be an ongoing battle. Fortunately, my BS is in Behavior Analysis, so I am prepared to help with plans to work through these obstacles.

We really appreciate your support, and hope you will be there for us tomorrow when we post our results. It’s a very vulnerable time, and we really need to know that we have the support of those who may be inspired by our journey. Please leave us comments to let us know you are reading and wishing the best for us.

Author: Margie Fuller

Experiencing happiness through sharing happiness. Proverbs 3:13

8 thoughts on “Getting Started Is the Hardest Part”

  1. I’m inspired by you and your method of weight loss. I’m almost ready to get on board. I’m scared of failing….again. I was always so skinny when I was younger and was teased about it. Now that I’m obese people don’t mention my weight as often. I started gaining after I quit smoking about 25 years ago. I’m now about 245 lbs. and I’m a tad under 5′ 2″. My feet hurt, my legs hurt, I have a hard time bending down and walking. I do like to ride my bike but even that has not happened this summer. I’ve lost weight before on Herbal Magic but at that time it was only 40 lbs. I needed to lose. Of course, I gained it all back three fold. I’ve tried every other crazy weight loss gimmick and other plans, from the belt to Jenny Craig to Weight watchers. I just don’t seem to be able to keep it up. So…I’m going to keep reading your story and start psyching myself up to jump on board….soon! Maybe even today. Is there anything I need to do or anywhere I need to go to read how everyone is doing and what they are doing to keep motivated?


    1. Hi Julie! I have started a “Secret” group on FB for our members. It’s a “safe place” where we can vent, yell, scream, cry, celebrate, and whatever we need to do. We stay motivated by encouraging one another. I keep the content going, and I give us weekly challenges. This past week was doing what you’ve mentioned here. Getting the mind ready for the body to go through a long journey. It sounds like you’ve been following my blog, so I’m sure you read about fad diets. That might have worked way back when you first gained, but that 40 lbs (unless you immediately went to another weight management plan) were bound to come back. In our group, we accept that this is a journey, and we are in it together. I would be happy to have you with us. This week we are working on building confidence. I will be posting about the exercise, so keep watching here. When you decide you’re ready, just make another comment and send me your FB link to your profile, and I’ll get you settled in. We all have at least as much as you have to lose, so you will be in good company. No skinny mini’s here–YET. šŸ˜‰


    2. Another thing, I have noticed that in the past I have felt ok to tell someone they are skinny, but I wouldn’t want anyone calling me fat. I try to remember that when I am with someone who is thin. They may be as sensitive about their weight as I can be about mine.


    3. Julie, did you see my messages in your FB private messages? open your messages, look at the top, and you’ll see a link entitled “Other.” This is where messages go from people who aren’t your “friends” yet. I need you to respond to it. Thanks.


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