Giving Up Hiding! Hi, I’m Margie!

Hi, my name is Margie, and I am the author of this blog. This Whole30 challenge has opened a window and let some light into the hidden places of my mind. It has just been 5 days since starting my Whole30 challenge, and already I am having some clarity on how I should be approaching these food demons.

I have hidden behind anonymity for over a year now, and this isn’t the first time. There were blogs before you. It is my desire that this be my final blog. The one that will go on to help and inspire others to do the same. Hiding doesn’t really accomplish anything. It may make you FEEL safe, but once you take a step outside, you still have to deal with what you were hiding from.

I just posted my blog publicly before over 1K people who live mostly in my community. I think I have hidden because of my weight–fearful of what others would think if they read that at my highest I weighed 330 lbs (at least). Well, it isn’t like they don’t SEE me. They just don’t know the number and knowing that number, does not change who I am. Well, now they can see it, but they can also see my burning desire to do something about it, and the journey that I take (and have taken) to overcome the thoughts and fears of my past that have become monsters that make me hide–covering myself with layers and layers of fat.

It is time that I approach life head on. No preparing in advance. Living in the now, for today–not hiding at home preparing for what COULD happen a year down the road. THIS IS TODAY…I AM MARGIE, AND I AM WORKING TO SHED A WHOLE PERSON.

I really appreciate your support. You have no idea just how much I will need it over the course of this journey.