Early to Bed, Early to Rise

I must admit that I do feel so much better when I adopt an “early to bed, early to rise” mindset. Since I have been working out, once I put my son to bed, I am generally ready to “hit the sack” myself. I had been reading my iPad before sleeping, but after reading what artificial light does to our hormone levels before sleeping, I decided to start limiting it. I haven’t put it down completely yet, but I have started decreasing the length of time that I expose myself to the light. The only problem now is finding time to read. 😐

My rest has been deeper, which is one of the goals of Whole 9. It seems that I wake before the clock goes off by about 30 minutes when I do go to bed earlier. I have always loved sleeping. There’s something about giving my body rest that just feels really good, and now that I am getting REALLY GOOD rest, I am definitely seeing why my body likes it so much.

So here’s to stabilizing cortisol levels and keeping leptin in check. Now, it’s time for breakfast!!

Want to read a little more on 3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Sleep, Before Lunch.